Professional Organizer • Home Organizing & Decluttering • Downsizing • Moving Services / Packing & Unpacking • Wine Cellar Organization • Digital Organizing • San Diego, CA •   (858) 208-3730

Helping busy families transform their living spaces into clutter-free havens.


Jaime Steiner, Founder and Chief Organizer

Jaime Steiner Professional Organizer Just Love Space San Diego

As a wife, a mom to energetic twins (a boy and a girl), and a seasoned professional with over two decades in marketing and advertising for large Fortune 500 companies, I know firsthand the juggling act required to manage life's numerous and often competing demands—not to mention the constant distractions of clutter and daily chaos. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, I found solace in something unexpected—organization. It wasn't just about tidying up; it was about reclaiming control, finding clarity, and carving out space for what truly matters.

Transitioning from the corporate world to the realm of decluttering and organizing might seem like a leap, but for me, it was a natural evolution—a chance to merge my innate knack for order with my desire to make a meaningful difference. Just Love Space was born from this fusion, a platform where I get to leverage my superpower to help families like mine simplify their lives and rediscover the joy of a well-organized home.

Having spent 18 years in Los Angeles before making the move to San Diego, with roots extending back to New York City before that, I sought a slower pace of life and more time for family and personal pursuits. Living in San Diego with my husband and twins, I've found a deeper sense of fulfillment in helping others create functional and harmonious living spaces.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter and uncertain about where to begin, send me a message. I'm here to listen and create a personalized organizing strategy tailored to your needs. Together, let's reclaim your space and bring order and simplicity back into your life.

Organizing is more than simplifying and bringing order to your space.

It’s about creating a functional environment that works for your unique lifestyle and removing the distractions that keep us from doing what we love. Simply put: it’s the gift of time.